When it comes to experiencing Chesterfield, part of what makes the experience exceptional is all that came before us. No matter where you find yourself in Chesterfield, chances are, you’re close to major moments in history.
From America’s earliest moments, Chesterfield played a pivotal role in shaping our nation’s history. Innovation, times of conflict, new beginnings – they all happened here.
Ready to explore? Henricus Historical Park is great place to start – after all, so much began there. At this living history museum, visitors are invited to voyage back in time 400 years to the Citie of Henricus, the second successful English settlement and Native American site of Arrohateck.

In the early 1600’s, Chesterfield was the epicenter of groundbreaking innovation. What is now Falling Creek Ironworks Park is home to one of the earliest iron furnace operations and the beginning of the iron and steel industry in the New World. Today, the unique features of the falls and the natural scenic beauty of the area attract fisherman, birders, hikers and photographers.
Mid-Lothian Mines Park tells the story of the earliest coal mining in America from 1701, when coal was first discovered, to the mid-1730s, when it began commercial production.

Point of Rocks Park commemorates the site where President Lincoln visited Union troops to show support during a pivotal time near the end of the Civil War.
Pleasant View School, built in 1930, is a one-room schoolhouse that served as an elementary school for African American children during segregation. A Chesterfield County Historic Landmark, Pleasant View is a proud reminder of the importance of education and community.

These are only a few of Chesterfield’s historic moments! With so much to offer from periods spanning the last 400-plus years, Chesterfield has a story to tell the world about the county’s impact on shaping America into what it is today.
Stay tuned to ExperienceChesterfield.com/history and follow @ExperienceChesterfield and facebook.com/ExperienceChesterfield as we share stories about the History that Happened Here.